Our Non-Equity Partners

PARKER HR is partner-friendly! As a consulting firm, we join forces with experts from leading private and public sectors who are working to ensure we get the most out of leading employee relations initiatives. PARKER HR is proud to partner with a range of dedicated professionals across three countries that align with our mission and vision.

Helping your business Build and Grow

Our Non-equity Partners work with us to deliver reports, surveys, events, conferences, and campaigns – supporting us in helping our diverse clients to grow, innovate and prosper. PARKER HR Non-equity Partners offers superior value to our clients in the US and Canada, helping them reach their business goals and develop their human resource capabilities in order to improve their customer experience and increase their competitive advantage. 

PARKER HR serves local and international clients, delivering HR solutions tailored to ensure success. We work across many sectors, specializing in Talent Management, Learning and Development, and Performance Management while leveraging Data Analytics, Research, and Design to augment our consultants.

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Ajirioghene (Ah Jiri Or Ganeh) Evi
Equity Diversity Inclusion Non-Equity Partner at PARKER HR

Executive Director at Kind Minds Family Wellness |
Community Engagement Specialist at OACAS

Ajirioghene is passionate about working with individuals, families, groups, or communities that are culturally diverse and not necessarily the celebrated norm. Almost two decades in public service work, and this continues to be the driving force for her. 




Casper Rasmussen
Corporate Fitness Non-Equity Partner at PARKER HR

Founder of Cheveyo Fitness Camp, Spain | Elite Strength & Conditioning Coach


Casper has been working full-time in the field of physical training, nutrition & health since 2010, with experience working as a personal trainer and as a physical trainer for professional athletes in various sports. 





Mark Noble
Employee Benefits Management Non-Equity Partner at PARKER HR

Financial Advisor



Mark holds a unique background, experience and point of view. He holds 12+ years of experience in helping individuals, families and businesses reach their financial goals and dreams. 






Cristian E Taborga
Financial Advisor Non-Equity Partner at PARKER HR

Financial Advisor at World Financial Group


As a BC government-licensed financial advisor and representative of World Financial Group, Cristian in a position to provide clients with financial literacy, guidance, investment planning, and more.






Interested In Becoming A Non-Equity Partner with PARKER HR