Cristian E. Taborga
Financial Advisor Non-Equity Partner at PARKER HR
Financial Advisor at World Financial Group
  • Negotiated and signed 10+ service contracts with overseas schools and education agencies.

  • Developed Key Performance Index systems to measure performance and boost efficiency; Resulted in a reduction of the school’s operating costs by 15%.




Finance & Asset Management

As a BC government-licensed financial advisor and representative of World Financial Group, I am in a position to provide clients with financial literacy, guidance, investment planning, and more. For more than 20 years, World Financial Group, a Transamerica company, has helped countless individuals and families find financial security through life insurance, retirement, and wealth-building strategies. Having the opportunity to make this positive difference in people’s lives, is what makes me passionate about this work that I do – helping people achieve their financial dreams and live the life they want.


What role does introducing financial literacy into HR practices have? 

As new professionals emerge to enter the workforce in today’s fast-paced world, financial literacy is becoming increasingly critical, and the skill to manage one’s personal finances has become a complex process that requires knowledge and expertise. Yet, the reality is a large number of working people do struggle in this area citing this lack of knowledge and skills. This leads the individual to developing a mindset of living paycheck to paycheck with having no security or guarantees regarding their financial futures. Needless to say, the stress that can result from such uncertainties can be debilitating to a person’s mental and physical wellbeing.      

HR professionals can definitely play a role in minimizing the risks aforementioned. By working to educate its staff members in financial literacy, they can magnify their chance for success in this area. Providing employees with financial literacy as part of employee care programs is the answer. This not only benefits employees in managing their money but also has a positive impact on their overall well-being, job satisfaction, and productivity, which in turn adds value to the organization by building loyalty among employees. Negotiated and signed 10+ service contracts with overseas schools and education agencies. Developed Key Performance Index systems to measure performance and boost efficiency; Resulted in a reduction of the school’s operating costs by 15%.

Interested In Becoming A Non-Equity Partner with PARKER HR