Communicating With Influence
The Communicating With Influence Online Short Course From PARKER HR Solutions For Corporate Leadership Development Provides Comprehensive Insights And A Range Of Tools To Develop Impactful Communication.
Elevating your Influencing skills
The amount of support of cooperation from all the people highly depends on our ability to effectively influence them. During this course learners have the opportunity to practice a set of Behavioral skills that can be successfully applied in any interpersonal situation to better influence others.
Course Targeted Competencies
We combine senior-level practical experience with academic thinking to bring together experts across a wide range of disciplines in order to help participants acquire highly relevant knowledge and skills that they are able to implement immediately in their roles. Course targeted competencies include:
- Assertiveness
- Influence and Interaction
- Interpersonal Abilities
- Effective Communication and Reasoning
What you’ll have inside the course
This course includes activities and resources to serve as a dynamic tool for reflection and application. In this program you will learn to:
- Demonstrate a clear understanding of “Rapport Building"
- Apply specific rapport building techniques in different situations
- Identify their own conflict resolution style
- Recognize conflict resolution styles appropriate to different situations
- Practice positive dialogue skills for win win situations
- Apply and receive feedback on rapport building, conflict resolution and postive dialogue skills
Accelerate Growth
By connecting your team to tailored training courses, such as those offered by us at PARKER HR consulting firm, you gain to improve their career prospects and get a lead on your competition. Accelerate the growth of your team today with our COMMUNICATING WITH INFLUENCE course in these areas:
- Rapport Building
- Conflict Management
- Story Telling
Empowering Workers for the Jobs of Tomorrow with PARKER HR
According to a 2021 Gallup study, 57 percent of workers want to update their skills, and 69 percent of those are willing to leave roles to join companies with better learning opportunities. Join many SMEs using our customized Corporate Learning Solutions.